AUTHOR | FILMMAKER | Entrepreneur | Product Developer
Product Developer

Harry Massey is a well-known bioenergetic expert, speaker, and entrepreneur who has made significant contributions to the field of bioenergetics—the study of energy in living systems—to help people worldwide restore their energy, health, and vitality for life.
After suffering from severe chronic fatigue syndrome that left him bedridden and suffering for almost 10 years, Harry stumbled onto bioenergetics and began researching, exploring, and developing bioenergetic treatments that eventually led him to fully regain his energy and life.
As a serial entrepreneur, Harry became the founder of NES Health, XPO Health, and Energy4Life—all companies dedicated to researching and developing advanced bioenergetic technologies and solutions that are transforming patient health and wellness in remarkable ways. Harry has also invented dozens of bioenergetic devices and technology.
He has developed proprietary IP approved by the FDA including the miHealth device, infoceuticals, and the Bioenergetic WellNES System.
Harry is also a successful author, and has written, directed, and produced several documentaries including the award-winning film, “The Living Matrix.”
Harry’s deep commitment to bringing the power of bioenergetic health and wellness to people worldwide led him to start the Institute of Bioenergetics, which has partnered with the University of California at San Diego to research energy and living systems. The Institute is also engaged in educating the public about how bioenergetic medicine can advance healthcare.
Harry’s latest project is the GIST Process, a ground-breaking system designed to help people master their energy, so they can master their lives.

Here’s Harry’s WHY and HOW he innovated a better way to heal the body and changed the lives of many…
Harry deeply understands what it’s like to feel like life is passing you by. Bedridden with severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for more than seven long years, Harry desperately tried every Western, conventional medical approach and countless alternative healing modalities.
Nothing worked, and no one could offer Harry any answers to help him regain his energy, health, and life.
Desperate for answers, Harry began studying and researching where energy comes from and stumbled onto bioenergetics—the study of energy in living systems.
Through his research, Harry met the late Professor Peter Fraser, a visionary, scientific thinker and acupuncture expert who had spent more than 20 years studying what he called, “the human body-field” and developing remedies to detect and correct energetic distortions that can lead to adverse health conditions and symptoms.
For the next two years, Harry was Professor Fraser’s “guinea pig” testing different protocols and treatments.
Amazingly, the treatments worked, and Harry fully recovered.
What started as a deeply personal journey to regain his energy for life quickly transformed into Harry’s mission: to help people regain their energy for life.
Whether he’s starting bioenergetic companies, inventing and developing bioenergetic technology, writing books, speaking at conferences, or producing documentaries, Harry’s dedicated to helping people transform their lives through bioenergetic medicine.
Harry’s Speaker reel

Future of Health Biohacking Conference 2023